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Hardneck Garlic.

Freshly Peeled and Whole Garlic

We source high-quality garlic sustainably from all over the world by working directly with the best farmers, and process them using our propriety machinery in Singapore.


We specialize in hardneck garlic which is rarer and healthier compared to the more commonly found softneck garlic.


Hardneck garlic tastes fuller and richer as it contain up to 3x more allicin than softneck garlic. Allicin is known for its numerous health benefits of anti-oxidant, anti-bacterial and anti-hypertension just to name a few, making it a true superfood!


Fresh garlic as a whole has NO smell. Its sharp, heady aroma is released only when it is chopped or crushed, as an enzyme called allinase, which converts odorless alliin molecules into the garlic's distinct aroma. Hence, buying fresh garlic is always way more superior and nutritious than chopped or minced garlic!


We currently export to more than 2 countries, distributing the very best quality peeled fresh fruits and vegetables around the world, and eventually onto the consumer's plate.

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Hardneck Garlic


Grown in China


Hardneck Garlic


Grown in China

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Hardneck Garlic


Grown in California, USA

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Hardneck Garlic


Grown in California, USA

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